10 März 2017 — 23:00 Uhr

Clonk Records Label Night

For the first time in Hamburg, the Sardinian techno label Clonk Records presents
their artists in the modern and fresh location of the Häkken Club in the heart of St.Pauli.

Clonk Records is the name of the label founded by Stefano Razzo and who has managed over the years to carve out an important place in the music scene.
Clonk Records is a record label focused in search of sounds minimal/techno with that bit of extra energy that can differentiate themselves in the music scene.
Clonk Records is made up of about ten DJ’s/Producers, some of which are italian and others international, destined to rise, ready to show their production capacity and engaging groove.
Many songs have been played by famous DJ’s like Ritchie Hawtin, Chris Liebing, and many others.
Clonk Records was present in the staff chart of „CHRIS LIEBING TIME WARP CHARTS“ the only „Italian label” in the ten labels listed.
The track „Burundi“ produced by Knobs finished third on
the Top 100 of Beatport Techno and was struck by the most famous DJs worldwide.
Clonk Records currently has a catalog of 66 releases.

• Ghita Liviu aka Marta Kokon ( Clonk Records / Bucarest )

• Stefano Razzo ( Clonk Records )

• Livio Pinna ( q-indie / FormResonance )

• Solenoid aka Fabrizio Nocci ( Clonk Records / Berlin )

• Bella Nour ( Clonk Records / Berlin )

• Roger Dee ( Clonk Records )



Web: http://www.clonkrecords.com/

Id: http://www.residentadvisor.net/record-label.aspx?id=2229

Social: https://www.facebook.com/ClonkRecords/

Music: https://soundcloud.com/clonk-records

Beatport: https://pro.beatport.com/label/clonk-records/10741